Sunday, March 29, 2015
Blog Post #10
The students in the video Little Kids... Big Potential are so excited about technology. They love being able to post blogs onto the internet for everyone to see. The students are able to become better writers, and their progress is available for everyone to see. Wiki was a source that her students used frequently. They had certain subjects they needed to research, so they would get on Wiki to find the information they desired. Along with Wiki and videos, Mrs. Cassidy also used Nintendo gaming consoles as a form for teaching. This is an intelligent move, because most young children see a Nintendo and think of non-educational video games. But, she has changed their way of viewing this game system by making it an educational tool. I really like how progressive Mrs. Cassidy's classroom is.
Kathy Cassidy really utilizes blogs in her classroom. She teaches the children that are at the vital writing stage. These students are constantly improving their writing skills, and with their class blogs, their progress is easily visible to them. This serves as a motivational tool without anyone having to do anything. Young students love to see themselves improving, and they also want to show everyone how they are getting better at something. I want to create a classroom blog for my future classroom. I think that this would be a huge success in my classroom. With blogs, students are learning how to use technology and proper communication etiquette at an early age. This is a great way to start an online educational journey for my students. They can choose to keep up with this after they leave my classroom. It will be a continual progress report for them. There are a few problems that I could run into with having a class blog. The main problem would be if I have parents that do not want their child's work online for the world to see. I hope that these parents would be able to see how important and safe the blog is, but I understand that not everyone feels that way about the internet. There are many ways to keep a child's identity private. But overall, I think that having a class blog for my future classroom will be a huge success.
C4K Summary for March
C4K- #1
My first C4K for the month of March was Mariaangelica's blog PLAN Test. She explained very useful tips for students preparing to take the PLAN test. My comment to Mariaangelica was: Hello Mariaangelica! My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. This blog was very informative! It was great that you included such useful information for students! Thank you so much for sharing!
C4K- #2
My second C4K for March was on Natae's blog ARE FIRST IMPRESSIONS ACCURATE? (MALEFICENT AND 12TH NIGHT). Natae's blog post was about an interpretative production of Maleficent. My comment to Natae's blog post was: Hello Natae, my name is Shelby and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Maleficent is a wonderful movie! I bet that a Maleficent play would be amazing! I have never seen an interpretation before. What did you think of it? This a great post. Keep up the great work!
C4K- #3
My third C4K for March was on Dominic's blog Viola (Cesario). This blog post was about a young woman who pretended to be a boy so she could get a job and remain hidden. My comment to Dominic was "Hello Dominic! My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. You did a great job of explaining your thoughts on the character's actions. Great job predicting what might happen! I hope you are right!"
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Blog Post #9
What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?
I obtained a great amount of Project Based Learning knowledge from the resources in this post. In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning, the seven things needed are very realistic and obtainable. They state that good projects must be personally meaningful, and fulfill an educational purpose. Anything a person does in life should be personally meaningful. Whenever I am completing a task that is meaningful to me, I always find myself more invested in the project. This is a project that I want to be proud of. When this project also fulfills an educational experience, it completes the package. This project will be a project that a student will not forget over time. They invest their time and effort into the project because they see a reason to care. This sentence from the article summarizes in opinion Project Based Learning in one sentence: "But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement— rather than the resulting product—that distinguishes projects from busywork."
The first element, a need to know, starts the project off. The teacher begins the project with an entry event. This event can be a video, guest speaker, or anything to spark interest in the upcoming project. Once the student is interested, they will realize the reason for needing to know the information for this project: "I need to know this to meet the challenge I've accepted." Second, there is the driving question element. The teacher will spark a brainstorming session with the class. This class started with "How can we reduce number of days Foster's Beach is closed because of poor water quality?" From there they continued discussing this question and starting the path to research by asking more questions. The driving question captures the heart of the project. It gives the students a sense of purpose for this project. These questions being asked should be open-ended and complex. This element should challenge students. Students should understand why they are taking on the project after the brainstorming questions. The third element, student voice and choice, helps projects become meaningful to the students. Whenever students get a choice, it keeps them involved in the project. In 21st century skills, the fourth element, the article explains how Project Based Learning teaches skills that students will apply in their futures. These skills include collaborating, which is crucial to the working world. These students need to start learning these types of skills in the classroom. As a student, I feel that I was not taught these skills, and I wish that I was. Thankfully, I am being taught these skills in EDM 310. In the fifth element, inquiry and innovation, the class creates additional questions that will help drive their projects to go above and beyond the requirements. These students conduct real inquiry. Real inquiry is the process of finding information through real research that ends with more questions. This keeps students constantly learning and researching. In the feedback and revision element, the teacher meets with the groups throughout the steps of the project to assess their progress. The students learn how to critique each other's work, which is tool that they will be using throughout their life. Any job or leadership position requires a person to critique others, as well as be critiqued. The younger people learn this skill, the better. This element also utilizes rubrics. Rubrics are very helpful in organizing work. In feedback, students learn that their first attempts do not usually result in the highest quality results. Revisions and improvements can always be made. With PBL, teachers sometimes arrange for experts or mentors to come in and give feedback to the students. Hearing feedback from a person who dedicates their life to the subject you are learning about drives a student to do better. I personally consider feedback from an expert on that subject more so than feedback from my teacher. The last element, a publicly presented product, is important for students because whenever a student knows that they are presenting a project to an audience. The students gain more knowledge, skills, and pride from having to complete a presentation to more than just their classmates.
In the video series Project-Based Learning for Teachers, PBL is broken down and explained. With Project Based Learning, students work over a long period of time. During this time, students conduct research to answer a driving question. Students learn many skills through PBL. These skills include: communication, collaboration, career, and life skills. PBL empowers students and enables them to take control of their learning. Einstein's quote in the video, "I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." goes hand-in-hand with Project Based Learning.
Project-Based Learning and Physical Education basically explains the same information that the first article I wrote about does. When it comes to PBL, the students get to see why they are learning what they are given. Project Based Learning is a continuous cycle of learning, researching, and revising. The seven elements described in the first article are described in this article, also. The timeline shown here is in the article, and I really enjoyed looking at it because it does an excellent job of breaking down the PBL process.
In PBL: What Motivates Students Today, a handful of students were asked about what motivates them in their classrooms. These students said that they responded well from public praise. This is motivation that I can also relate to. Praise from a teacher, fellow student, or anyone is a motivational tool that kids typically respond well to. Students, even at the elementary age, focus on their futures. Having a well paying job and financial security for themselves and their families motivated a young student in this video. It is crazy to think that students so young are already motivated by this. A common form of motivation with students is not getting grounded. Children do not want to have their favorite things or activities taken away from them, so they make sure they do what they need to in school so they can continue to have those things. This video also stated many rewards that students respond to. These rewards were: behavior charts, candy, food, school supplies, and stickers.
The article Two Students Solve the Case of the Watery Ketchup by Designing a New Cap shows two high school seniors that spent the school year designing a device that would end the problem of watery ketchup. These students used a 3D printer to create the device that they designed. This classroom focuses on something that is relevant to the students. These students ask themselves what really bothers them. Their teacher has them ask themselves "It really bugs me when..." to jump start their imagination and create ideas. The two guy's class time was spent researching potential designs and patents to make sure their invention was not already patented. Once they discovered that it was not, they decided to continue onto the final design. They narrowed the design down from 60 potential designs to a final five. This class was very appealing to me because the students are able to create their own PBL project and go from there. This teacher is learning so much from his students, while they are learning so much more than a normal classroom setting.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Blog Post #8
Randy Pausch was an inspiration in his video, Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. He has such a positive outlook on life! Mr. Pausch wanted educators to let their students act out situations and lessons in front of an audience. This brings a different perspective to students as they are learning a subject. I think it is absolutely incredible that one of his childhood dreams was to be an Imagineer for Disney. This was also one of my dreams I had whenever I was younger. Randy Pausch stressed that it is important to encourage students to have large dreams and aspirations. As with any large dream, there will be obstacles to overcome. But, as an educator, we must cheer them on and help them as they overcome whatever tries to get in the way of these aspirations! He talked about his football coach in the beginning of the video and that story set the tone for the video. His coach explained to him that if no one is getting on to you after you mess up, they have given up on you. I feel that this will be something that I will tell my students frequently. Whenever you are placed in a position of a leader/educator, there will be times that you will have to be honest with students. This honesty will guide them to success, even if they do not see this path at the time.
The main message I took from this video is to be your student's motivators. It is our job as educators to keep these students in the right direction. We have to make sure that we encourage them to knock down those brick walls until they achieve their goals!
C4T #2
C4T #2 Post #1: 2/22/2015
Thoughts, Impressions, Inspirations, from #Bett2015
This blog post by Eva was about a convention in London called #Bett2015. This was a convention on technology in education. She speaks about the changing technology and how it is shaping the way we learn and teach. #Bett2015 provided attendees with a wide variety of technology to learn about. There was a great quote in the blog that stuck out to me, "Teachers make the difference, not the app." I think that this is incredibly important for teachers to remember with all of the technology in the world today. Technology has not replaced the teachers, it has only aided them. Eva was able to meet the creators of all the technology and apps that she loves. My comment was: Hello Eva Buyuksimkesyan, my name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading about #Bett2015. This seemed like such an amazing event to attend! The use of technology is increasing at an incredible rate, and attending events such as #Bett2015 is the only way to keep up with the growth! I loved how you stated that technology is shaping the way we teach and learn. That is so incredibly true. Technology is a beautiful thing that can serve as a major asset to 21st century education. Thank you so much for sharing about #Bett2015! I look forward to hearing more from you.
I will be summarizing this blog post on my EDM 310 class blog on March 15, 2015. The link to my class blog is below.
Twitter: @shelby_begley
My Blog:
EDM 310 Class Blog:
C4T #2 Post #2: 3/15/15
#ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education
This blog post by Eva was about an event that will be held in Istanbul. The event is called #ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education. This seems like a very interesting event! Parents, teachers, students, and many more can attend this event and learn about all the emerging technologies and classroom concepts in the 21st century. This would be an event that I would love to go to if I was able to! There are not many opportunities that we are given to sit and all learn together. Staying on the same page is so extremely important for parents, teachers, and students. My comment was: Hello Eva Buyuksimkesyan, my name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading about these wonderful events that Istanbul will be hosting. The event, Educational Technology Summit, sounds like a wonderful event! I think that this a great opportunity for parents, teachers, and students to get together and learn about all the new emerging technologies and classroom concepts. With the massive amount of new concepts constantly being created, it can be difficult for teachers, parents, and students to stay on the same page. I look forward to hearing about how #ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education goes! Thank you for sharing.
I will be summarizing this blog post on my EDM 310 class blog on March 15, 2015. The link to my class blog is below.
Twitter: @shelby_begley
My Blog:
EDM 310 Class Blog:
Thoughts, Impressions, Inspirations, from #Bett2015
This blog post by Eva was about a convention in London called #Bett2015. This was a convention on technology in education. She speaks about the changing technology and how it is shaping the way we learn and teach. #Bett2015 provided attendees with a wide variety of technology to learn about. There was a great quote in the blog that stuck out to me, "Teachers make the difference, not the app." I think that this is incredibly important for teachers to remember with all of the technology in the world today. Technology has not replaced the teachers, it has only aided them. Eva was able to meet the creators of all the technology and apps that she loves. My comment was: Hello Eva Buyuksimkesyan, my name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading about #Bett2015. This seemed like such an amazing event to attend! The use of technology is increasing at an incredible rate, and attending events such as #Bett2015 is the only way to keep up with the growth! I loved how you stated that technology is shaping the way we teach and learn. That is so incredibly true. Technology is a beautiful thing that can serve as a major asset to 21st century education. Thank you so much for sharing about #Bett2015! I look forward to hearing more from you.
I will be summarizing this blog post on my EDM 310 class blog on March 15, 2015. The link to my class blog is below.
Twitter: @shelby_begley
My Blog:
EDM 310 Class Blog:
C4T #2 Post #2: 3/15/15
#ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education
This blog post by Eva was about an event that will be held in Istanbul. The event is called #ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education. This seems like a very interesting event! Parents, teachers, students, and many more can attend this event and learn about all the emerging technologies and classroom concepts in the 21st century. This would be an event that I would love to go to if I was able to! There are not many opportunities that we are given to sit and all learn together. Staying on the same page is so extremely important for parents, teachers, and students. My comment was: Hello Eva Buyuksimkesyan, my name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading about these wonderful events that Istanbul will be hosting. The event, Educational Technology Summit, sounds like a wonderful event! I think that this a great opportunity for parents, teachers, and students to get together and learn about all the new emerging technologies and classroom concepts. With the massive amount of new concepts constantly being created, it can be difficult for teachers, parents, and students to stay on the same page. I look forward to hearing about how #ETZ Summit to Shape the Future of Education goes! Thank you for sharing.
I will be summarizing this blog post on my EDM 310 class blog on March 15, 2015. The link to my class blog is below.
Twitter: @shelby_begley
My Blog:
EDM 310 Class Blog:
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Blog Post #7
These videos were very informational! I always knew that technology was extremely helpful and beneficial in classrooms, but these videos went above and beyond in explaining why. My future classroom will more than likely have more than half the technology that current classrooms have. The best way to become prepared for this is to educate myself on these technologies as soon and frequent as possible. This process has already begun for myself in EDM 310. Technology is how students remain engaged in lessons being taught throughout their educational career. I fully plan on using those technologies in my future classroom as an aid for learning. Technology will never replace me; it will help make my teaching stronger.
The first video, Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, I learned how Kindergarten aged students are using apps such as iMovie in their classrooms. These students are creating book trailers, just like students in EDM 310 do. It is amazing to hear about five and six year old students doing projects that college aged students are doing. These trailers that they are doing serve as wonderful teaching tools. They get to read an actual book, and then make their book come alive with iMovie. This project helps these young students apply technology to their lessons. Michelle stated in this video that the Kindergarten students use this project and they " take off and make it a project of their own." It is great to hear about these students being successful and excited in what could be their first lessons with technology application. The Alabama Virtual Library serves as teaching tool for basic research skills. Students at this young age can be taught how to use a library search engine. Michelle and Elizabeth spoke about how they will give their Kindergarten aged students names of animals each day, and the students practice researching and finding information on the animal they are given that day. This is a great foundation for learning in their futures.
The second video, We All Become Learners, they discussed technology systems like Padlet and Poplet. Padlet is the website that I have also used. Michelle expressed in the video how one day she was showing Kindergarten students how to use Padlet, but she did not know how to upload a picture to the website. A student immediately went up to her and showed her how to upload a picture, and then they continued their lesson. It is amazing to see that five and six year old students can teach us information about technology that adults may not know. Michelle's Kindergarten students serve as one of her Personal Learning Networks (PLN). Through PLNs, we all are constant learners. This is because we all teach each other new information. This can occur through teaching the group a one time, or doing as the young student did with Michelle: He taught her how to upload a picture to Padlet, and she was then able to teach the rest of her students how to upload a picture. Technology is able to help us remain learners with our Personal Learning Networks and Project Based Learning.
iPads In The Classroom was a video about 23 Chicago schools that made the decision tot pilot the use of iPads in their classrooms for a year. The schools and teachers said that the use of iPads had positive benefits. iPads help students "take a virtual field trip every day." This was a statement that I found extremely interesting because of the truthfulness behind the statement. I bought an iPad before the start of this school year in August, and I have noticed how extremely helpful it is with my own education. I can use it in my classes to look closer at what the teacher has pulled up on the Smart board, to look at my eBooks, type notes, and even to take pictures. The iPad is so helpful! After hearing the previous statement, I started thinking about what it would have been like to have an iPad with me in past my elementary classes. These students are so lucky because they can zoom in on pictures or words that they would not be able to see far away on the board. The iPads help everyone learn the same concepts at the same times, even if they have different learning styles. These students get to learn in their own way. Progress is also more easily charted through word processing apps. Teachers can see how the students are learning and spelling words through apps. Students are able to move around letters and spell these words on their own and feel more independent about the process. I think that having the students feel the independence the iPads provide will show more accurate results in a student's progress.
The last video, Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers, ten very good points were pointed out about technology in the classrooms. The first reason: Students love it. Students are simply intrigued by technology. Whenever technology is in a classroom, a student is more apt to pay attention and stay focused. Whenever technology is given to these students, it gives them a sense of freedom. As a student myself, it can be aggravating to constantly have a teacher tell you to put your phone or computer away. Whenever I am in classes that allow me to have my iPad and/or laptop out, I find myself staying engaged longer. Another reason that stuck out to me was: Professional development. Whenever students use this technology and are being taught apps and software to use to complete their assignments, they are being taught key skills they will need for their futures. I learned about Google Docs about a year ago, and now I find myself using Google Drive and things on there on a weekly basis. The skills they learn will be key to getting a job in their future! The reason that I most enjoyed was: Encourages homework. After reading a teacher's blog about classroom flipping on a C4T, I have become very interested in the concept. With the technology given today, students can complete more homework than every before. The technology allows the students to watch the lectures at home and then come into the classroom and complete the homework for those lectures. They become more apt to complete this homework because the teacher is there to help them in person. The student does the learning at home, and the applying in the classroom. This video had ten amazing reasons why technology should be in the classroom. I highly suggest everyone watch this video!
C4K Summary for February
C4K #1 2/8/2015
My first C4K post was for Kaleb. Kaleb is very into sports. His blog post was about a book he had recently read about Lebron James. He found Lebron very interesting, so I told Kaleb how great is was to read biographies about people that we find interesting! You can read his blog by clicking on this link: Kaleb T's Blog! My comment to Kaleb's blog was: Hello, Kaleb! My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Your post is great! That is awesome that you are enjoying this book about Lebron James. Biographies are great ways to learn more about people that we find interesting. Keep up the great work, Kaleb!
C4K #2 2/15/2015
My second C4K was for Megan. Megan's post was about a personal experience. Sometimes it can be tough to share stories such as hers, but I was glad that she decided to share so I could read it! I could relate to these tough times, so I made sure to express that to her when I was commenting. You can read her post by clicking on her link: Megan B's Blog! My comment to Megan's blog was: Megan, My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Thank you so much for sharing this story. I know that it sometimes it can be hard to share stories that have to do with difficult times in your life. I can relate to these hard times you have experienced. I have also lost many people close to me. It is great to have family there with you during tough times. Their love will help you through anything. Keep your head up, Megan!
C4K #3 2/22/2015
My third C4K was for Ava. Ava wrote about Lemony Snicket. Ava is an amazing writer and I really enjoyed reading her post. You can read this great post right here: Ava's Blog! My comment to Ava's blog was: Hey Ava! My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I loved your post! It was very well written and it held my attention the whole time. Lemony Snicket books are always so interesting! I cannot wait to hear more from you. Keep up the great work!
C4K #4 2/27/2015
My fourth C4K was for Kaleb. I commented on Kaleb's blog for my first C4K, also. Since he loves sports so much, he chose to write about them once again! This post was about the book "Coach Carter." Kaleb expressed his interest in the story as he summarized the book. His post on "Coach Carter" can be found at: Kaleb T's Blog! My comment to his post was: Hello, Kaleb! My name is Shelby Begley and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your post! I am a big fan of basketball! I love the Coach Carter story, also! It is very admirable what he does for his players. He teaches them responsibility as well as respect for themselves and their futures. I think you did a great job writing about this book!! Keep up the awesome work, Kaleb!
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