Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog Post #7

These videos were very informational! I always knew that technology was extremely helpful and beneficial in classrooms, but these videos went above and beyond in explaining why. My future classroom will more than likely have more than half the technology that current classrooms have. The best way to become prepared for this is to educate myself on these technologies as soon and frequent as possible. This process has already begun for myself in EDM 310. Technology is how students remain engaged in lessons being taught throughout their educational career. I fully plan on using those technologies in my future classroom as an aid for learning. Technology will never replace me; it will help make my teaching stronger.

The first video, Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, I learned how Kindergarten aged students are using apps such as iMovie in their classrooms. These students are creating book trailers, just like students in EDM 310 do. It is amazing to hear about five and six year old students doing projects that college aged students are doing. These trailers that they are doing serve as wonderful teaching tools. They get to read an actual book, and then make their book come alive with iMovie. This project helps these young students apply technology to their lessons. Michelle stated in this video that the Kindergarten students use this project and they " take off and make it a project of their own." It is great to hear about these students being successful and excited in what could be their first lessons with technology application. The Alabama Virtual Library serves as teaching tool for basic research skills. Students at this young age can be taught how to use a library search engine. Michelle and Elizabeth spoke about how they will give their Kindergarten aged students names of animals each day, and the students practice researching and finding information on the animal they are given that day. This is a great foundation for learning in their futures.

The second video, We All Become Learners, they discussed technology systems like Padlet and Poplet. Padlet is the website that I have also used. Michelle expressed in the video how one day she was showing Kindergarten students how to use Padlet, but she did not know how to upload a picture to the website. A student immediately went up to her and showed her how to upload a picture, and then they continued their lesson. It is amazing to see that five and six year old students can teach us information about technology that adults may not know. Michelle's Kindergarten students serve as one of her Personal Learning Networks (PLN). Through PLNs, we all are constant learners. This is because we all teach each other new information. This can occur through teaching the group a one time, or doing as the young student did with Michelle: He taught her how to upload a picture to Padlet, and she was then able to teach the rest of her students how to upload a picture. Technology is able to help us remain learners with our Personal Learning Networks and Project Based Learning.

Teacher sitting with student who is on her iPad
iPads In The Classroom was a video about 23 Chicago schools that made the decision tot pilot the use of iPads in their classrooms for a year. The schools and teachers said that the use of iPads had positive benefits. iPads help students "take a virtual field trip every day." This was a statement that I found extremely interesting because of the truthfulness behind the statement. I bought an iPad before the start of this school year in August, and I have noticed how extremely helpful it is with my own education. I can use it in my classes to look closer at what the teacher has pulled up on the Smart board, to look at my eBooks, type notes, and even to take pictures. The iPad is so helpful! After hearing the previous statement, I started thinking about what it would have been like to have an iPad with me in past my elementary classes. These students are so lucky because they can zoom in on pictures or words that they would not be able to see far away on the board. The iPads help everyone learn the same concepts at the same times, even if they have different learning styles. These students get to learn in their own way. Progress is also more easily charted through word processing apps. Teachers can see how the students are learning and spelling words through apps. Students are able to move around letters and spell these words on their own and feel more independent about the process. I think that having the students feel the independence the iPads provide will show more accurate results in a student's progress.

The last video, Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers, ten very good points were pointed out about technology in the classrooms. The first reason: Students love it. Students are simply intrigued by technology. Whenever technology is in a classroom, a student is more apt to pay attention and stay focused. Whenever technology is given to these students, it gives them a sense of freedom. As a student myself, it can be aggravating to constantly have a teacher tell you to put your phone or computer away. Whenever I am in classes that allow me to have my iPad and/or laptop out, I find myself staying engaged longer. Another reason that stuck out to me was: Professional development. Whenever students use this technology and are being taught apps and software to use to complete their assignments, they are being taught key skills they will need for their futures. I learned about Google Docs about a year ago, and now I find myself using Google Drive and things on there on a weekly basis. The skills they learn will be key to getting a job in their future! The reason that I most enjoyed was: Encourages homework. After reading a teacher's blog about classroom flipping on a C4T, I have become very interested in the concept. With the technology given today, students can complete more homework than every before. The technology allows the students to watch the lectures at home and then come into the classroom and complete the homework for those lectures. They become more apt to complete this homework because the teacher is there to help them in person. The student does the learning at home, and the applying in the classroom. This video had ten amazing reasons why technology should be in the classroom. I highly suggest everyone watch this video!


  1. Great post! I agree with you completely when you say that technology is a great tool but will never replace "me" the teacher. Using technology in the classroom is a huge advantage to teaching that we will have. It is up to us as educators to use this technology to give our students the best education we can.
