Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

The students in the video Little Kids... Big Potential are so excited about technology. They love being able to post blogs onto the internet for everyone to see. The students are able to become better writers, and their progress is available for everyone to see. Wiki was a source that her students used frequently. They had certain subjects they needed to research, so they would get on Wiki to find the information they desired. Along with Wiki and videos, Mrs. Cassidy also used Nintendo gaming consoles as a form for teaching. This is an intelligent move, because most young children see a Nintendo and think of non-educational video games. But, she has changed their way of viewing this game system by making it an educational tool. I really like how progressive Mrs. Cassidy's classroom is.

Cartoon Children Gathered Around a Computer

Kathy Cassidy really utilizes blogs in her classroom. She teaches the children that are at the vital writing stage. These students are constantly improving their writing skills, and with their class blogs, their progress is easily visible to them. This serves as a motivational tool without anyone having to do anything. Young students love to see themselves improving, and they also want to show everyone how they are getting better at something. I want to create a classroom blog for my future classroom. I think that this would be a huge success in my classroom. With blogs, students are learning how to use technology and proper communication etiquette at an early age. This is a great way to start an online educational journey for my students. They can choose to keep up with this after they leave my classroom. It will be a continual progress report for them. There are a few problems that I could run into with having a class blog. The main problem would be if I have parents that do not want their child's work online for the world to see. I hope that these parents would be able to see how important and safe the blog is, but I understand that not everyone feels that way about the internet. There are many ways to keep a child's identity private. But overall, I think that having a class blog for my future classroom will be a huge success.


  1. There is no content on this blog post. Please email me when you have posted your blog post so you get credit.
